Protests in Syria

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Saturday, August 24, 2013

In the news this week

"THE horrors of Syria’s civil war have become so routine and relentless that recent massacres have barely been aired in the world press. But if it can be verified that on August 21st hundreds of people, most of them civilians, were killed by chemical weapons fired by President Bashar Assad’s forces, a new level of atrocity will have been reached that may persuade Western governments to change their policy of military non-intervention..."
"IN THIS bitterly divided country, a disturbing number of conversations now start with the exclamation, 'Sons of bitches!' Then comes the delicate task of discerning to whom this insult refers..."
"IN A country inured to violence, the scale and scope of recent attacks have shaken even the most hardened Iraqis. More than 500 have been killed in bombings this month, after some 1,000 perished violently in July—the highest number since civil strife tailed off five years ago..."
"Explosions were heard near Israel's border with Lebanon on Thursday, witnesses and AFP correspondents said, as Lebanese security sources said militants had fired four rockets at Israel..."

Additionally, a spate of tribal violence this past week has left five Jordanians dead in Mafraq.

I'm not entirely sure what's going on in this part of the world...


In more uplifting news:


  1. Good news from the Middle East?

  2. Hello from Mongolia! How are Peace Corps and PCVs affected by the unrest?

  3. Thanks for reading! The primary way that we as PCVs are affected is in the limitation and restriction of our movement, both in Jordan and also in our foreign travels. For obvious reasons Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Egypt, and Iraq are all off-limits to us meaning vacations require an airplane. Further, northern areas along the Syrian border and tribal areas in the South are also forbidden to volunteers.

  4. Two Minds on Syria - The New Yorker - 27 Aug 2013



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